
Kyoshi Randy Giles

Kyoshi Randy Giles

The IPS Martial Arts school is a very different Self Defense training center, compared to all others. We are NOT Traditional, nor Sport Based. We are Reality Urban Self Defense and Survival system designed to offer maximum personal security. We accept ONLY SERIOUS STUDENTS looking for a challenge and a positive change in Lifestyle, Health and Fitness. Our self defense concepts and methods are geared towards RESPONSIBLE ADULTS, Law Enforcement, and Military.  Everyone can benefit from our training system!

We also offer traditional, High Impact Cardio Fitness programs for ALL AGES and Fitness levels.

Is There Really Any Difference Between IPS Martial Arts and other schools?

Yes. First of all, different schools teach different martial arts. There are many different kinds of martial arts in the world. The three most commonly known are Kung Fu (Chinese), Karate (Japanese) and Taekwon-Do (Korean). Kyoshi Giles has studied styles from all three major systems and has blended them into a practical and lethal urban combat system.

Secondly, and probably most importantly, one must consider the way the art is taught and the qualifications of the instructors. To form an analogy to music, one must choose both the instrument, for example piano or violin, as well as the quality of the school and the background of the teacher. Studying under Kyoshi Giles, or any of his top students, you are guaranteed to receive the highest quality of instruction from dedicated practitioners in Karate, Tae Kwon Do, Tai Chi, Wing Chun, Jujitsu, Judo and Krav Maga. Every IPS instructor has a minimum of 20 years or more studying within the martial arts.

How Does One Evaluate the Quality of a School?

Just as with academic schools, the quality of a martial arts school depends on the curriculum, the quality and experience of the teacher and the standards set for achievement. The quality of a school is reflected in the students it produces. Because of economic pressure, many martial arts schools grant belt promotions to students simply because they pay their fees and occasionally attend class. A school which is serious about teaching a martial art, such as is the case within the IPS system, will only promote students based on their effort, achievement toward their potential, and when they are worthy of the new rank.

Some schools emphasize competitions, and their students train primarily to prepare for tournaments. For many people, this is exciting and their goal is to become a champion. But the IPS system of martial arts was never intended to be a sport with winners and losers, but rather a path towards each student’s own self-realization. While  students within the IPS Martial Arts System do occasionally have in-school and intra-federation tournaments, training to win competitions is not emphasized. Instead, the development of courtesy, integrity, perseverance, self-control, and the ability to defend yourself in a real street attack is our goal.